Juliana Capes was born in Grimsby in 1974, growing up in Skegness. She is based in Edinburgh and lives in Portobello with her husband and children.
She is a multidisciplinary visual artist who has exhibited extensively, most recently at Sett Studios, Jupiter Artland, CCA Glasgow and Alchemy Film Festival. She works in film, installation, sculpture, description, song, painting, drawing, print and participation. Her diverse artworks often use the vocabulary of natural phenomena to ask questions about the processes of feeling, seeing and believing.
She is passionate about access to the arts and concurrently works in a participatory way in creative learning in galleries, education, health and community contexts. In particular over the last 15 years she has worked extensively with a Visually Impaired audience, notably as lead artist on the National Gallery of Scotland’s Visual Impairment programme and is well known as an audio describer for the visual arts and film.
She loves to collaborate you’ll usually find her mucking in somewhere!